
December 2, 2013

Welcome to Pat Broker's Blogger Blog

Welcome to my new Blogger blog.  I am a retired teacher and have just recently taken up.blogging.  I have lots of interests that I would love to write about including horseback riding, yoga, healthy cooking and eating, and gardening.  Of course I'm also interested in all things related to education and reading in particular.  I find that very little is written about the under educated adults in the US.

I definitely recommend retirement to anyone who is willing and able.  Everyone is different!  Some people love their job and want to keep working past the age of 70.Others find it financially necessary to keep working past the age of retirement. I found my teaching job exhausting but fulfilling and unfortunately (or fortunately) chose to retire because of health issues.

It is because of my health issues that I have developed many interests.  I would have to say that all of my interests are related to becoming healthy and balanced.  I have very low energy and struggle everyday to just get through my chores.  I'm hoping that writing about it and interacting with people who have similar struggles will help.