
January 5, 2014

Welsh Ponies Are My Favorite Ponies

Today I'm going to write about my special pony Murphy.  I have 2 other horses that are in their 20's and really wasn't considering getting another horse.  However, someone I know was going through a divorce and had to quickly give away their Welsh pony.  I couldn't pass up a pony that had been trained in both the English and western riding style for the show ring..  I have been taking lessons on Welsh ponies for over 10 years and have always wanted one of my own.  So...I have had Murphy for about 6 months.

Murphy is a very sweet and versatile pony.  He has won many ribbons in the show ring in both english and western and is also trained to jump over small jumps.  I have taken him out on trail rides and he does pretty well.  His main quirk is that he think he's the boss or lead pony, so he insists on being out in the front.  If anyone challenges him for the lead he will speed up and go out in front.  We definitely have to work on that! Even though he is 15 years old, he has many years ahead of him.  Welsh ponies tend to live to 30 and beyond with good care.  I love Murphy and no doubt we will have many happy years together.

January 1, 2014

Health Care - Not Affordable for Everyone

 As the affordable health care plan takes effect, I can't help but reflect on the fact that some of us will see our health insurance rates rise.  I doubt that president Obama intended this to happen.  I understand that the system is in it's infancy and hopefully will change over time.  In the mean time we are a retired couple in our early 60's whose monthly health insurance rate will increase by $130 a month.

We did not retire by choice.  My husband was actually laid off and forced to retire, although he had worked 30 years for the same company and was pretty burned out anyway.  I was a teacher who retired on disability through the teachers' union because of poor health.  I have worked part time, but not enough hours to qualify for health insurance through the part time employer.

Our health insurance is through the company that my husband retired from. Our monthly premium has gone up $30 or $40 every year to $870 a month in 2013.  I thought that was a little extreme, but with my health problems we had to have insurance!  We are on fixed incomes so it will be difficult, to say the least, to find that extra $130 a month.  We will really have to tighten our belts in 2014 in order to pay for our health